Export cross-reference of points to the MicroGrids within which they fall.
This effectively assigns a grid code to a point.
Background: A cross-reference is built, internally, whenever data is loaded from one layer onto another.
So, if you want a cross-reference, you must see to it that some data is loaded.
Make MicroGrids the active layer, and from the Scan/US Data Menu, choose "Data From Other Layers.."
The dialog will appear, with '12 MicroGrids selected as the target layer (above right of dialog)
In the listbox on the left, scroll down (if necessary) until you see the point layer for which you wish to create a points-to-MicroGrids cross reference, and check the checkbox next to that point layer.
It will show "+ Object counts" as one of the data items in "data available on selected source layer". And on the right, it will show "Object Counts" for your layer, within the box "data resulting on selected target layer".
Click OK.
The cross reference has been created, and now you can export it.