Scan/US Business 2024 presents geographic summaries of data from a comprehensive, industry-standard business list of over thirteen million establishments covering one hundred and forty eight million employees. Establishment and employment data are classified by standard industry categories (SIC and NAICS), establishment size, a custom business type with focus on land-use, and employee occupation.
Summaries are produced for all standard levels of geography, including US, states, MSAs, places, counties, county subdivisions, Zip codes, census tracts, block groups and Scan/US Microgrids(™). Users of the Scan/US application can obtain custom summaries for user-defined polygonal areas, ring and drive time areas and any arbitrary groupings of standard geography.
The database is published as an add-on to the Scan/US subscription in two editions, Business Summary/Occupation and Business Type/Industry.
The Business Summary/Occupation edition includes the following two datalists:
Ask us how you can have a 1 Year ($2,890) national program of 2024 demographics estimates and projections, 2024 employee and employer summaries, and available Consumer Expenditure Potential (add for $995) — mapping & data — installed and running on your computer — today!
Experian's MOSAIC lifestyle segmentation database is available for Scan/US.
Experian's MOSAIC consumer targeting system enables you to identify neighborhoods, segments, or cross-neighborhood audiences that are most likely to contain the types of consumers you are looking for. The new MOSAIC now offers 71 consumer segments and 19 social groups. Call us at 800-272-2687 for more information about Scan/US Premium Edition: Lifestyle Subscription.
Scan/US offers two main lines of desktop productivity software: Scan/US demographic mapping subscriptions, and the Scan/US desktop batch geocoder. Both product lines run on Microsoft Windows.
Scan/US Geocoder is a fast, accurate, desktop geocoder for U.S. addresses. Annual Subscription, national coverage: $2995. One-state and regional coverage is available. Read about the Scan/US Desktop Geocoder to see what you can do with a desktop batch geocoder. If you need to geocode just a few thousand addresses, Scan/US offers a geocoding service to geocode your address file with latitude, longitude, and Census geography ID corresponding to each address record.
File size limit: the standard geocoder license limits you to a maximum input file size of 200 MB per file. A premium geocoder license allows unlimited file sizes.
Scan/US demographic subscriptions combine mapping software and demographic databases into a seamless tool anyone can afford and utilize when evaluating retail sites or trade area dynamics.
You can generate maps, thematic maps and demographic reports, with just a few clicks of the mouse or taps on your trackpad. Scan/US provides a host of Microsoft Excel-based utilities for reports as well as powerful built-in data exporting.
The Scan/US Subscription includes software and data updates, so you always have our most up-to-date demographics and mapping technology.
In addition to the standard subscription, Scan/US also offers Scan/US Premium Edition: Daytime, with business and employee counts. Other specialty databases can be licensed, to extend the utility of the standard subscription.
Scan/US software is used for the production of demographic reports and maps for specific sites, trade areas and markets. The Scan/US Subscription combines value, ease-of-use and seamless map/data integration.
Scan/US, Inc. Post-Census Estimates Methodology
Scan/US, Inc. generates demographic estimates for the current year and a five year projection for all US Census geographies, for Scan/US’s proprietary 5-digit ZIP boundaries, for our trademark Scan/US Microgrids(™) and for US Postal Service (USPS) Carrier Route centroids. Collecting input and control data is a continual process.
Scan/US, Inc’s deep integration of demographics and cartography in post-census population estimates makes it a leader in providing data to inform business decisions where location is important. For a further discussion of this topic download our methodology statement here. (PDF)
Tracking Residential growth with Scan/US Scan/US Microgrids(™)Get a real-time demonstration of
We are always willing to demonstrate Scan/US software when
requested, and web conferencing software makes it possible.
Please call 1-800-272-2687 to arrange a web demo.
Scan/US, Inc. supplies desktop software for geocoding, demographics & mapping to consultants, businesses and organizations that need software access to the population characteristics of geographic markets of all shapes and sizes.
© 1992-2024 - Scan/US, Inc.